The Duke University Chorale, the primary choral group of the Department of Music at Duke, is composed of 50 Duke graduate and undergraduate singers. The Chorale performs numerous concerts throughout the year, both on and off campus, and tours annually during Duke’s Spring Break. In previous years, the Chorale has toured China, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, England, Wales, Mexico, and many parts of the U.S. The Chorale is delighted that their 2019 tour takes them to California, where they have toured every 4 years for almost 30 years.
The Chorale’s tour repertoire typically features both sacred and secular music ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary works, from serious to popular music, and from unaccompanied works to pieces with piano and other instruments. The group has performed major works with professional orchestras, including the Verdi and Brahms Requiems, Bach’s Mass in B Minor, Haydn’s Creation, Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana, and Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert, and most recently performed Mendelssohn’s Elijah.
Because of the Chorale’s strong ties to the university and community, they sing in such varied venues as area nursing homes, official university events, and Duke basketball games. Their annual family-style Christmas program fills Duke Chapel to overflowing and supplies vast amounts of food for area homeless shelters. The Chorale has produced several CD recordings, including a brand-new one from the 2018 spring break tour concert. All of the Chorale’s CDs are available for sale at their concerts.
The Chorale has been conducted by Rodney Wynkoop since 1984 and is accompanied by Mary Hamilton.
In this tour, the chorale is performing two anthems by Walter Saul, “Yes,” and “The Word Made Flesh.” Both anthems are available for sale on this website.